
My DIY Cereal Box Notebook Business Cards

Hi folks! I just got back from an amazing week in Salt Lake City for the Cricut Explore launch event and the Alt Summit blogging conference. I'm feeling so inspired after being around a group of 700 incredibly creative people!

I knew that exchanging business cards was kind of a big thing at these events, so I wanted to make mine extra special. I decided to turn one of my most popular DIY projects, the cereal box notebooks, into my business cards! Thanks to the custom logo stamps that Twin Soul Art Studio made for me, I think these came out awesome.

With 25 cereal boxes from the 99¢ Store, I was able to make 200 cereal box notebook business cards. And to answer the question that I got asked the most...they took 2 weeks to make, a few paper cuts, and an assembly line of happy helpers. And to answer the second most asked question...the cereal definitely did not go to waste! 

You can find my original cereal box notebook tutorial here, but I created a modified version for these extra mini notebooks below. I think these would be a cute gift idea too! Here we go...

• Cereal box • Paper trimmer (since I was cutting several boxes, I used my heavy-duty Fiskars ProCision Rotary Trimmer) • Custom logo stamp (Twin Soul Art Studio makes fantastic ones!) • Ink pad • Hole puncher • Notebook paper • Scrapbook/Decorative paper • Glue stick • Stapler
Paper fastener • Embroidery floss Optional: Mini hanging tags and twine 

• Using the paper trimmer, cut out a rectangular piece from the cereal box. Mine was 5" x 3.75" and I was able to get 8 notebooks from 1 cereal box.
• Fold in half with the blank side facing out.
• Stamp on your custom logo or add any other embellishments to the cover.

• Trim notebook paper slightly smaller than the notebook cover. I used 7 sheets at 4.75" x 3.6" each.
• Fold paper in half, place it inside the notebook cover, stapling the two together.
• Optional: Add a mini hanging tag, by running twine through the tag and knotting around the notebook to secure.
• For the notebook's spine, cut out a small piece of scrapbook paper and fold in half. Attach it to the notebook with a glue stick.

• Punch a hole in the center of the top cover.
• Knot a piece of embroidery floss to a paper fastener, slide it through the hole, and fold back the prongs to secure.
• Wrap the embroidery floss around the notebook and tuck it under the paper fastener to secure.


  1. These are so cute! Such a great idea.

  2. Absolutely adorable. Thank you for generously sharing your technique. Please say that you ate all this cereal or donated to a shelter. I hate to think of a lot of food being wasted in the name of recycling the box.

    1. The cereal definitely did not go to waste :)

    2. Carla, you read my mind! Thank you for asking this question!

    3. thanks for responding - I will definitely start saving some boxes from the recycle bin!

  3. You are brilliant, off to check out your fantastic projects-

    xo, Tanya

  4. I LOVE these! I got one that used to be Oat Bran. I'd say the little notebook is a vast improvement :)

  5. Nice! Well done work and thanks for the explanation.

  6. This is such a cute idea - they look fantastic!

    Stop by and say hi! www.cheekycherubcandles.blogspot.co.uk

  7. So cute! I love that you reused the cereal boxes. I think washi tape would be a good stand-in for the decorative paper! I know I have tons of washi tape piling up!

  8. this idea is genius! and I was going to ask you what you did with all the cereal boxes, but you answered it! :)

  9. This is such a cute idea! My daughter would LOVE one of these sweet notebooks. Stopping by from CraftGawker. Have a lovely day!

    1. Why thank you! I agree this is a super fan idea for kids. They can make their own personalized journals!

  10. These are amazing. Seriously. Mind = blown!

  11. WOW-ow-wow! Very green and very clever. Mahalo for sharing.

  12. Found you on Pinterest. I LOVE making little notebooks, and these look like so much fun. Thanks to your great instructions, I'll be making some today!

  13. These are super cute! Facebook is notorious for not notifying page owners when I tag them and share their stuff, so I thought I would stop by myself and let you know :) These were a hit with my Facebook audience! https://www.facebook.com/CraftsbyAmanda/photos/a.353593675216.349539.323548680216/10153801670850217/?type=1&stream_ref=10

    1. Thanks for sharing Amanda! I was wondering where all that Facebook traffic was coming from! Appreciate it :)

  14. Wow! I love looking at people's business card designs from Alt but this one is so awesome. Useful AND promotional. Winner!

  15. Anonymous11/07/2014

    What a great idea love it , thanks to Craftseller for their article without them chances are I would not have discovered you !


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