
DIY: Chocolate S'mores Cake Recipe

Today's post is very special to me, because it’s Crème de la Craft’s 2nd birthday! Thank you all for continuing to read, comment, share, like and pin these little projects of mine.

In honor of my blog birthday, I’m posting my first recipe project. I thought the celebration called for a double layer chocolate s'mores cake! The big toasted marshmallows on top are my favorite. And I can report back that it was delicious! 

Now let's get started...

2 boxes of chocolate cake mix (and the ingredients required on the box)
2 jars (7oz each) of marshmallow creme or fluff
1 cup of graham cracker crumbs (they actually sell the crumbs!)
¼ cup melted unsalted butter
Mixing bowl
Baking pan
Foil or parchment paper
Bag of large marshmallows

Bake 2 chocolate cakes, following the instructions on the cake mix box. Let cool and set aside.
In a bowl, mix the graham cracker crumbs and the melted butter with a spatula until combined.
Cover a baking pan with foil or parchment paper and evenly spread the graham cracker crumbs on top. Bake in the oven at 350°F until they are golden brown (about 10 minutes). Remove and let cool.
Toast 20-24 marshmallows. You can use a culinary torch or toast them individually over the stove with a skewer, like a mini campfire. Be very careful and be sure to hold the marshmallow a few inches above the flame. Do not to hold the actual wooden skewer over the flame or it will catch on fire.

Arrange the first layer of cake on your cake stand.
Spread an even layer of the marshmallow creme on top. It will naturally ooze out from the side. I used 1 full jar for the first layer.
Sprinkle the graham cracker crumbs on top.
Place the second layer of cake on top and repeat the previous steps using the remainder of the marshmallow creme and graham cracker crumbs.
Arrange the toasted marshmallows on top.


  1. Wow ! That's a cake and a half.
    Eb x

  2. This is so creative! And it looks delicious!

  3. Anonymous3/26/2014

    Absolutely delicious!

  4. My boyfriend loves all things marshmallow! Thanks for sharing, looks amazing!



  5. Anonymous11/20/2014

    I have that cake plate!! :) I love it!


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