
DIY: Burlap Pillow From A Rice Bag

I have burlap fever! I love the rustic and earthy look of burlap, which is why I've held onto empty rice bags, eager to upcycle them with a DIY project. Best of all, most burlap rice sacks already come equipped with a zipper closure, which makes these throw pillows an easy-to-make, no-sew project. I also love the colorful print on the bags, giving them a vintage feel. So paint it, stuff it and enjoy your new throw pillows!

Materials: Burlap Rice Bag (~$15. They may not be available at all supermarkets, but check your local wholesale store and stock up!) — Acrylic Paint — Masking Tape — Brush — Needle & Thread (I used embroidery floss) — Button — Cotton Batting (or old shirts to stuff the bag) — Scissors
• Cut handles off of the bag.
• Apply masking tape if needed and paint your desired pattern onto the bag.
• Run thread through the button and knot it to secure in place. Run needle through the thread and knot to secure. 
• Run the needle through the center of the bag and pull it out from the back. Knot it to the back of the bag, allowing about 2 inches of the thread to hang loose in the bag. The tighter you pull, the more of a tufting appearance your pillow will have.
• Stuff the bag with cotton batting or old shirts and close the zipper.

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  1. I stopped over from your feature at Roadkill Rescue. These bags are clever. Since I can't sew I LOVE them! Pinned 'em.


  2. Bliss - Thanks for the feedback! A button is pretty much all I can sew too :)

  3. Super nice idea! I have been buying these bags for years...now i can actually make something fun with them. thanks, thanks!


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