
DIY: Chunky Chain Necklace From Vinyl Tubes

Some of my favorite DIY projects have been made from items found at the hardware store and this week I've added one more to the list! I made this DIY chain link necklace practically for free after finding some leftover vinyl tubing from a recent repair job we did around the house. You can easily find this at most hardware stores for only a couple bucks. Adding some gold paint will give these tubes a chunky metal chain look, creating a bold statement with any outfit! Follow the steps below to make your own. 
P.S. Check out more of my favorite DIY jewelry projects here: neon straw necklace, gold rock ring,  pistachio shell necklace, bobby pin earrings

•  1/4 inch x .17 inch clear vinyl tubing (I used about 5 feet. Your local hardware store should carry these for cheap)
• Scissors
• Gold spray paint
• Old newspapers
• 20 Q-tips
• 1 yard of ribbon
Paint sealer (optional)

Cut: Cut 10 pieces of the vinyl tubing at about 5 inches long each.
Paint: Lay the pieces on old newspapers and spray paint them gold, following the manufacturer's directions. Once one side is dry, turn them over and repeat on the other side. Optional: Once dry, add a coat of paint sealer for extra shine and durability.
Cut: Cut both ends off your Q-tips and discard the ends with the cotton.
Attach: Grab one of your tubes and insert 2 Q-tips about half way into one of the open ends, fitting snugly inside. Bring over the other end to close the loop. Repeat this step until all 10 tubes are looped together.
Add ribbon: Loop the ribbon through the 2 tubes at the end, securing with a bow.

Follow along on Facebook and Twitter to see all my new DIY projects.


  1. Smart & awesome!!
    Thanks for your idea :)

  2. Natalie, love this! Am pinning and thanks for sharing! ~Cindy, littlemisscelebration.com

  3. Brilliant! It almost looks real.

  4. That's cute!! And it totally looks like real metal!!


  5. It looks way better than the materials would warrant.

  6. Brilliant idea! It turned out so lovely! Thanks for sharing Natalie!

  7. SO creative! Wow! I'm impressed!

  8. awesome ! looks great :)

  9. That is very crafty indeed! I like the whole look and I especially like how you made those materials look so classy!

  10. Omg it looks like if it was real! Amazing

  11. Anonymous7/16/2013

    I LOVE your blog! You are so creative and I'm really excited to look through all of your projects and make some of them! Would you check out my blog and maybe even do a guest post? Thank you!

    Alison obsessedwithdiy.wordpress.com

  12. love it! how creative! i will try it...

  13. Love this!! I have tons of tubing (from hubby's oxygen) and have been wondering how to use it in my crafts--this is a perfect start!


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